Friday 4 November 2022

Current Reading

Today, I'm going to talk about my current reading book. I'm reading Hunting Adeline (Cat and Mouse Duet). This is the second part of Cat and Mouse duet book. The first book is Haunting Adeline. This is my current obsession kinda book. However, if you want to read this book, you have to read the TW (Trigger Warning) of the book cause' this book involves about human trafficking, child sacrifice, child abuses and very very very dark romance. Let's talk about this book. While I'm reading this book, I had full of roller coaster emotions. At first, I was really frustrated with the male protagonist of this book but in the end, I totally fall in love with him. This book has 2 POVs which are female protagonist and the other one is male protagonist. The female protagonist is Adeline Reilly, who is a successful author of horror and thriller books. She is a 26 years old woman who lives in her passed down manor by grandmother (Parsons Manor). The male protagonist is Zade Meadows, who runs anti-human trafficking organization called 'Z'. He loves to torture and kill people pedophiles and criminals who involved in human trafficking and etc. He saw Adeline in a book store in a promotion and instantly fall in love / obsessed with her. Later on, he started to stalk on her and leaves her roses where he clipped the thorns away. Awww...isn't that sounds romantic? But wait, as much as he is romantic, he is CRAZY as well. But crazy in a good way or at least for me. He's very possessive of her and approached her in unhinged ways actually. He did somethings without her consent but at the same drives her insane..Hahahaha....The second book is all about he was keep looking for her when the Society kidnaps her. The second book really breaks my heart because it was all about how they raped her, other women and how she overcame her PTSD. The sweetest part is he has been there for her. Without getting annoyed, he always stay there for her. With lots of patience. Argghhh God! I love Zade Meadows. I haven't finish the book yet. But yes, its a very dark romance and spicy romance book. I have alot of quotes that I love in these 2 books. I shall posted them soon. Okay gracias! Adioss....

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