Saturday 5 November 2022

Goal In Life

 Today, I realised that how much I had planned for my life and when it fails, that's where I had mental breakdown. And instead of teaching, I had thought about becoming author / writer. Kinda insane, huh? Haha...I know. It sounds crazy. I know that I have so much of imagination in my mind and I need to write out all. Just like how I express myself...I always express myself by writing...I haven't think of a story yet. But I know it's gonna be fantasy romance genre. Haha...Forbidden romance! Oohhh! Hahaha... Speaking of goal, I chose to do Psychology course, so that I can understand humans better and help humans. Later on, I wanted to become counselor and teach students. Then, I worked as a preschool teacher to understand children better and to help them. And to become lecturer by finishing my Masters. Here I am, stuck as a teacher. I'm not really happy about. Okay, now I'm just being paranoid. I want to do something in my life. But the problem is I don't know! That's it.


Kalavathi Raviraj

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Okay, self realisation moment! Yesterday, I realised something. How I was before (7 years ago). Okay! I was a total badass woman! And I'...